It is important to us to know what are the different minerals needed by our body and where it came from. Our body needed this element some of this are called calcium, iron, manganese, chlorine, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur, zinc, potassium and sodium. The aluminum, cobalt, fluorine, nickel, molybdenum and silicon are the slightly used mineral and those are called trace elements. All of minerals include above are needed of our body.
1. Can be part of our bones and teeth to strengthen.
2. It can help a human heartbeat to become normal.
3. Needed to stimulate and form a blood.
4. Help to lessen from being nervous and balance water in our body.
Our body has more calcium than any mineral. Inside the bodies there are 90 to 99 percent of calcium can found in our bones. There are two major uses of calcium. The first one are: It helps to growth and to strengthen bones. It can also help to form blood and have a normal heartbeat. More calcium can be found in these foods are: milk, egg yolk, cheese, salmon, leafy vegetables and ice cream.